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As you all well know, there are innumerable support groups online and countless of websites that are informative and hand you self-help strategies which we are all for, but here, we desire to project a profoundly interactive outlet where one can learn from the other and the other from one in real time, build friendships by being unapologetically ourselves, help each other to heal and deal, and invoke splendor, this all without having to absorb it on our own and the only profit being love.


We are two highly-creative graceful individuals that are living examples of this ride and we do not claim to be therapists/counsellors/psychologists, but we do intend our sessions to be therapeutic and we have a more than reasonable amount of experience to really understand what you have dealt and are dealing with and how you feel to do what we can to help you through this all the while having it have an effect on us as well.

Our aim is to deliver the most suitable, convenient, and more importantly, engaging experience with the visual mediums at our disposal. We intend to create an atmosphere that has the comfort and feel of a common living room where we can all lean on each other and never feel alone. 


Isolation is an illusion of OCD that imagines a private hell for many different sufferers who feel that no one can understand. But we CAN understand because WE also have been to the dark places that the primitive part of the brain creates. We CAN convince each other that it is illusory because we also have been to these imagined hells and we CAN pull each other out of them. Our aim is to create a common safe place.


Having clearly been through our share of this debilitating occurence, we wish to wholeheartedly support those who are having to cope with this through a better transition.

©2015 by Zai Hameer

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