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We are bringing into light our Śōlh™ (Peace) Theraparty, or the Śōlh, if you will.



Śōlh "صلح" is both Persian and Arabic for peace, from the root word Islah ("improvement, thereby, signaling the correlation between peace-making and consequent development) as well as from the same root as the Arabic word musalaha ("reconciliation"), it reflects a sense of resolution of conflict through negotiation. (See sources of description: The Etymology of Salam: An insight into the Arabic word for Peace, Uri. And, Sulh, Wikipedia).


It bodes rather well seeing fear wishes to be acknowledged, and we give it so, but here in exchange for peace.


Our chief approach is to face our fears head-on and smile as we show them the door. Our second approach, however, is co-operating, befriending, and harmonising ourselves with the fear at hand to the extent of a loss of its meaning. It works differently with each individual, one being easier than the other, but the point is, both the tactics work and result in authority and liberation.

We will have 5-8 people jump into a pool-group with us and hold what we like to see as a video-call theraparty (a therapeutic party), because life is too valuable and enriching to be serious, then gradually settle to being entirely ourselves and do what comes natural.

“Peace is more than the absence of war; peace is health and wholeness and well-being. This is my prayer for peace, as elusive as light and shadow on fabric at dusk; as tangible as your breath in the night.” 


——– Stewart J. Thomas

©2015 by Zai Hameer

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